Does My Dog Need a Brace? What I Need to Know About Leg Braces
There are many reasons why a dog might benefit from a leg brace. Some of the more common include:
Wrist or ankle arthritis or pain (lameness, limping)
Injury, sprain, or strain
Deviation or deformity of the joint
Protection against injury (usually for athletes or active dogs)
Support for the remaining limb after leg amputation
varus (outward bowing) hyperextension (walk on wrist) valgus (inward bowing)
Leg injuries or conditions that are mild or moderate can be effectively managed with braces. Surgery may be the best option for dogs with severe injuries but some may not be candidates, and braces provide a good alternative.
When choosing a brace for your dog, there are a few things to consider. A brace should:
provide the right amount of support - People might think that "more is better" but that's not true when it comes to leg braces. A brace that provides a lot of support or immobilizes the joint can lead to muscle wasting. A stabilizing brace might be needed for a few weeks following a recent injury say, but it is important to switch to a lighter and more flexible one as the dog recovers. Conversely, a brace that is too flexible might not stabilize the joint well enough for healing to take place. It's all a matter of trying to find the right balance, and your veterinary professional can help you make the best decision for your pet.
2. cover/support the leg well. In general, a front leg brace should cover between 1/2 to 3/4 of the leg, from floor to elbow (see image - left). Covering 1/2 the leg provides light support and covering 3/4 of the leg provides heavier support.
3. fit snugly all around the leg - A plastic pipe, like PVC, is very strong but if you slide it over a dog's leg, it won't support the leg because it's not shaped to fit the leg.
The more intimately-shaped (close-fitting) the brace is to the dog's leg, the better it will support the leg and healing structures.
If a brace is not fitted well to the leg, it will slide or spin around the leg and cause rubs or sores. So, when ordering a brace, it's important to carefully measure your dog.
Let's take a look at this brace (up). It is a short brace, meaning it doesn't cover a lot of the leg so the amount of support it provides for most dogs is little, but it might be a good option for basset hounds and other short-legged dogs. Regardless of the breed, note that the brace is applied too high up the leg; it does not cover the wrist fully and will not help to support this joint. So a brace must be the right size and be applied correctly in order to provide the best support/stability for the dog.